Kako povezati WiFi kamere sa snimačem

Applies to: Reolink WiFi cameras except for battery-powered ones.

Reolink WiFi cameras can be added to Reolink PoE NVRs if they are in the same LAN. Here we’ll guide you to finish this process following the steps below.

The diagram would be similar to this:

Connection Diagram

Step 1: Connect the camera to your router via WiFi by configuring WiFi settings for the WiFi camera.

Step 2: Connect your PoE NVR to the LAN port of the router.

Step 3: Open the monitor of your NVR, then select Channel Settings > IP channel. Check Auto Add and click Scan. Then the WiFi camera will show up in the list. Assign a channel for it if necessary.

IP Channel Interface

Here is a video for your reference too:


Note: If the Status of the camera is Invalid PWD, then you need to right drag the scroll bar to input the correct password of it.

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