Kako registrovati Reolink proizvode

Da biste dobili verifikovanu garanciju, idite na sledeću stranicu za registraciju proizvoda.


Unesite potrebne informacije i kliknite na Pošalji na dnu stranice.


  1. Registracija proizvoda mora biti obavljena u roku od 90 dana od kupovine.

2. Ako proizvod nema broj porudžbine, popunite prodavnicu/veb-sajt/kanal gde ste ga kupili.

3. Naći ćete UID proizvoda (broj ispod KR koda) na kućištu kamere. Za sistem sigurnosnih kamera, trebalo bi da popunite UID NVR-a.

  1. Ako ste kupili NVR sistem, i NVR i kamere moraju biti registrovani.

Evo nekoliko metoda za rešavanje problema sa kojima se verovatno susrećete prilikom registracije.

1. Server error

Please clear your browser cache and try again. If it doesn’t work, please change to another browser (Chrome is suggested)

2. Incorrect email

If the system shows that your email address is incorrect, please check if there is any blank in the email address and if your email address is still valid. If it doesn’t help, please contact support@reolink.com and we will help you register.

3. Product UID

For Reolink cameras, you can easily find the UID below the QR code on the sticker attached to its body.

For Reolink NVR, the UID is on the upper shell.

If it is not convenient to check the UID on the product’s body after installation, you can get it via Reolink App (on the Share page).

4. Extra 6-month warranty

By writing reviews in the Amazon Reolink official store (optional), you will get a 6-month extended warranty for your order. The extended warranty applies to the same model products in the same order.

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